Fiber Guild of the Savannahs By-laws


Article I – Name

This organization shall be known as the Fiber Guild of the Savannahs (Guild.)

Article II – Purpose

1.    To promote the exchange of ideas and craftsmanship in the art of fiber crafts.

2.    To educate and stimulate interest in fiber crafts.

3.     Preserve the practice of traditional fiber arts and advance contemporary methods of the media.

Article III – Membership

There shall be 3 types of membership in the Guild: Active, Student and Honorary. Membership privileges include voting on Guild business, discounts on Guild classes and discounts at local retailers. 

1.    Active Membership – Any person may become an active member upon application and payment of dues. Members are encouraged to attend a minimum of four meetings during the year and to serve on a committee. Active members will have priority in sign-ups for workshops.

2.     Student Membership – Any full-time students may apply for a Student Membership. A student member will pay one-half the regular dues and have all the benefits of an Active Member.

3.     Honorary Membership – An Honorary Membership may be voted in by a majority vote of BoardMembers present to honor an individual who seeks to become a member of the Guild and meets the following criteria: people who have reached the age of 80, people who are current school teachers, employees of vendors who provide discounts to guild members.

Article IV – Dues

1.     Dues are payable at or before the September meeting. A member will be dropped from the roll after one written reminder by a board member unless dues are paid by November 15 at the latest.

2.     Prospective members joining after September will pay the full membership rate. New members who pay dues April 1st or thereafter shall have their dues applied to the following year.

3.    Prospective members may attend two meetings as guests. After which, payment of dues must be received no later than the third meeting date.

4.    The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30. 

Article V – Executive Committee

1.     The officers of the Guild shall be: President, Vice-Present, Secretary, Treasurer and four Members-at-Large. Members at large are: Program Director, Membership Committee Chair, Taste Of Committee Chair, Show and Sale Chair and Past President.

2.    All Executive Committee officers except the Members At Large shall be elected for a two-year term, Members At Large will serve a one year term.

3.    An officer may serve in the same role for one additional term upon approval of the majority of the Board.

4.    The immediate Past President shall serve on the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity but shall not have a vote unless by virtue of holding another office.


Article VI – Duties of the Officers

1.    The President shall preside at all meetings of the Guild and Executive Committee, appoint committee chairs (except as otherwise indicated by the By-laws), and perform other acts incident to the office. The President shall sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer.

2.    The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall act as the liaison between the committees (standing and ad hoc) and the Executive Board.

3.     The Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of the Guild and the Executive Committee. A list of membership shall be kept up to date and roll taken at meetings. The Secretary shall write letters pertaining to Guild business as assigned by the President.

4.    The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Guild, shall keep a record of receipts and expenditures and shall present a statement of account at regular Guild meetings and Executive Committee meetings. The treasurer is chairman of the budget and finance committee. The annual report will be presented at the September member meeting. The treasurer will complete the year-end tax return.

5.     There shall be four Members-at-Large: Chair of the Program Committee, Chair of the Show and Sale Committee, Chair of the Membership Committee and Chair of the Taste Of Committee.


Article VII – Election of Officers

1.    The Vice President, in April shall appoint a Nominating Committee of two (2) members which shall present its report at the May meeting. At this time, nominations will also be accepted from the floor, with the consent of the nominee. If no nominations come from the floor, the slate of officers may be elected by show of hands in May. In case of multiple nominees for an office, the vote will be taken in June. The new officers will assume their duties at a Joint Committee Meeting to be held after the June meeting.

2.    A vacancy occurring in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice President. Vacancies occurring in other offices shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Committee.